How to Naturally Increase Bacteria in Your Septic Tank

How to increase bacteria in septic tank naturally

Maintaining a healthy bacterial population in your septic tank is crucial for the proper functioning of your organic septic system. Beneficial microbes break down waste and prevent backups and overflows while ensuring the natural septic care of your system, making it less likely to require costly repairs. 


Maintaining a healthy septic system is crucial for the proper functioning of your home's wastewater disposal. To promote optimal performance, it is essential to increase bacteria in the septic tank. These beneficial microbes play a crucial role in breaking down solid waste and inhibiting the accumulation of sludge in the tank.

Fortunately, enhancing microorganisms in your septic tank can be achieved naturally and without the use of harsh chemicals. One of the most effective ways to boost microbes in your septic system is by regularly flushing down solid waste. The more solids you add to your tank, the more food and energy available for the healthy septic bacteria to feed on.

In addition to waste flushing, adding bacteria to your septic tank is another way to promote a strong and beneficial microbial population. There are many septic bioenzymes and septic system enzymes available in the market that can supplement bacteria in your tank. Another natural alternative is using baking soda in your septic tank treatment. Sodium bicarbonate is a non-toxic and eco-friendly substance that can help break down solids and maintain a healthy pH balance. 

You can also introduce organic septic care by incorporating natural cleaning products and avoiding harmful chemicals in your wastewater. This all helps in reducing potential septic tank problems

Experience Matters

Understanding how to naturally increase bacteria in your septic tank can be a complex task. Thankfully, with over forty years of experience between us, my partner Jeane and I have navigated through many challenges and scenarios related to this intricate domain.

We are committed to imparting our priceless knowledge to both seasoned septic system owners and those new to the field. This blog post focuses on providing crucial information and advice on a variety of subjects, but a deeper look into "how to increase bacteria in septic tank naturally". It is one of the most important aspects of Septic Tank Maintenance 

Our goal is to aid you in discovering the art of preserving an eco-friendly, efficient septic system for many years to come. We invite you to join us on this enlightening journey as we explore the fascinating world of sustainable septic system strategies!

How Does A septic System Work

Quick to the point and brilliant graphic explanation

The Importance of Bacteria in a Septic Tank

Maintaining a healthy bacterial population in your septic tank is crucial for the proper functioning of your organic septic system. Beneficial microbes break down waste and prevent backups and overflows while ensuring the natural septic care of your system, making it less likely to require costly repairs. In this section, I will outline the importance of bacteria in a septic tank and how you can enhance microorganisms to keep your septic system functioning properly.

In conclusion, ensuring a healthy bacterial population is essential for the natural septic care of your system. By implementing the above natural septic care tips, you can add bacteria to your septic tank, without the use of harsh chemicals or costly repairs.

Chemical Additives to Avoid

When it comes to maintaining an organic septic system, avoiding the use of chemical additives is crucial. While certain products may claim to enhance microorganisms or boost microbes, they can actually harm the good bacteria in your septic tank, leading to costly repairs and backups. Here are some common chemical additives to avoid:

Antibacterial Products

Products such as antibacterial soaps, cleaners, and detergents contain chemicals that can kill the beneficial microbes in your septic tank. Additionally, these chemicals can harm the environment if they enter groundwater or surface water.

Chemical Drain Cleaners

Chemical drain cleaners may seem like an easy solution for clogs, but they can actually damage your septic system. These products contain harsh chemicals that can kill septic tank bacteria and harm pipes over time.

Non-Biodegradable Materials

When it comes to solid waste disposal, it's important to avoid flushing non-biodegradable materials down the toilet or drain. Items such as paper towels, feminine products, and plastics can clog pipes and disrupt the beneficial bacterial population in your septic tank.

Oil and Grease

Cooking oils, grease, and fat should never be poured down the drain. These substances can accumulate in pipes and clog the system. In addition, they can disrupt the useful bacterial growth in your septic tank.

Harsh Chemicals and Solvents

Chemicals such as bleach, ammonia, and solvents can disrupt the balance of bacteria in your septic system. These products can kill beneficial microbes and cause problems with the septic tank enzymes necessary for proper waste breakdown.

In conclusion, by avoiding chemical additives and using natural cleaning products and methods, you can help maintain a healthy septic system and beneficial bacterial population. Some natural solutions that can help boost microbes include introducing dry baking yeast or ripe tomatoes into your septic tank. Finally, remember to only flush solid waste and use eco-friendly detergents to keep your septic tank naturally clean and functioning properly.

How to increase bacteria in septic tank naturally

Graphic Poop at Work. DONT WATCH WHILE EATING 

Methods to Naturally Increase Bacteria in Your Septic Tank

If you want to maintain an organic septic system, it's essential to ensure that your septic tank contains a healthy balance of beneficial microbes and bacteria. These microbes and bacteria work together to break down solid waste and keep your septic system functioning correctly. In this section, I will discuss some effective methods to increase bacteria in your septic tank naturally.

Septic tank enzymes contain various strains of bacteria that help break down the waste and enhance microorganisms. You can add these enzymes to your tank manually or buy toilet paper treatments with added enzymes. This can help boost the beneficial bacterial population in your septic tank and enhance its performance.

Baking soda septic tank treatment is a simple and affordable way to boost microbes in your septic system. That's because baking soda is alkaline, and it can neutralize the pH balance in the water. Add half a cup of baking soda to your septic tank monthly. Doing this reduces the levels of acid in your septic system, thus fostering the growth of healthy septic bacteria.

One way to increase bacteria in your septic tank is by adding more solid waste into it. Boost waste flushing by flushing only non-toxic, biodegradable waste, like toilet paper, and avoiding harmful chemicals such as bleach and household cleaners. This helps create a natural balance in your tank by attracting more of the good bacteria that break down solids.

Introducing dry baking yeast or dehydrated brewer's yeast into your septic system can help boost the septic microbes. Yeast is a natural source of bacteria, and adding it to your system can increase bacterial growth in the septic tank. You can introduce dry brewing yeast or rotten tomatoes by tossing them into your toilet bowl and flushing them into the septic system.

Finally, natural cleaning products like organic cleaners and eco-friendly detergents can help enhance healthy bacterial growth in your septic tank. Natural cleaning products have fewer harsh chemicals than conventional detergents, which can damage the good bacteria in your tank. Organic cleaners add good bacteria to your septic system, which helps break down solid waste more efficiently.

In conclusion, there are several natural techniques you can use to boost the beneficial bacterial population in your septic tank. Using septic tank enzymes, adding baking soda, flushing more solid waste, introducing dry baking yeast, and using natural cleaning products can help you maintain a healthy septic system. Try these methods to enhance the bacterial growth in your septic system and ensure that your septic tank remains healthy for years to come.

Regularly Pump Your Septic Tank

And again not recommended to watch over lunch or dinner.

Regularly Pump Your Septic Tank

To maintain a healthy septic system and enhance microorganisms, you need to pump your septic tank regularly. It is recommended to pump your tank every three to five years, depending on the size of your tank and the number of people living in your house.

When you pump your septic system, you remove solid waste and other debris that could prevent good bacteria in your septic tank from doing their job. By doing so, you allow beneficial microbes to thrive and break down the waste in your tank.

In addition to regular pumping, you can also add septic tank enzymes, such as septic bioenzymes, to boost microbes in your tank. These enzymes help break down organic matter, grease, and paper products.

Another natural and cost-effective solution to increase bacteria in septic tank is to use baking soda. You can use baking soda septic tank treatment by flushing a cup of baking soda down the toilet once a week. This sodium bicarbonate septic care can help maintain a healthy pH level in your tank and promote beneficial bacterial population.

It's important to note that while some household items, like dry baking yeast or rotten tomatoes, have been suggested to add bacteria to a septic tank, there is no scientific evidence to support their effectiveness.

To reduce the amount of hard work your septic system has to do, you can also take steps to flush more solid waste. You can achieve this by installing low-flow toilets, fixing any leaks, and disposing of waste properly.

Lastly, be mindful of the cleaning products you use. Chemical cleaners can kill the healthy septic bacteria in your system. Opt for natural cleaning products or eco-friendly detergents to support the growth of good bacteria in your tank.

By regularly pumping your septic tank to remove solid waste and introducing septic tank enzymes or baking soda septic solution, you can supplement bacteria in tank naturally and enhance microbial growth.

Use of Septic System Additives

In addition to taking care of what you flush into your septic tank, you can also enhance the microorganisms and beneficial microbial population with the use of septic system additives. These can be either enzymes or bacteria formulated to keep your organic septic system healthy and clean.

Septic tank enzymes break down solid waste and encourage the growth of good bacteria in your septic tank. They are especially useful for households that use a lot of cleaning products and chemicals that kill the healthy septic bacteria. By adding septic bioenzymes to your tank, you can help restore the advantageous microbe population and ensure that your system runs smoothly.

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is another great option for natural septic care. It can be used as a septic tank treatment to boost waste flushing and increase solid disposal. In addition to that, baking soda also enhances the growth of good septic tank bacteria and helps maintain the pH levels in your tank.

If you want to add more bacteria to your septic tank, you can introduce microbes through the use of dry baking yeast. It's a natural and inexpensive way to supplement bacteria in your tank. It's important to note that only a small amount of dry brewer's yeast is required as too much can clog your septic tank.

You can also try using rotten or decomposed tomatoes to introduce good bacteria into your septic system. Adding these to your tank introduces useful bacterial growth, and enhances the septic microbe population.

If you are looking for more natural cleaning products that are safe to use with your septic system, consider eco-friendly detergents or organic cleaners. These products won't harm the beneficial bacterial population in your tank while keeping your home clean and healthy.

Overall, using septic system additives can help increase bacteria in your septic tank naturally and keep your system in good condition. However, it's important to remember that these are supplements, and they should not replace proper septic maintenance and care.

Add Organic Materials to Your Septic System

If you want to increase bacteria in septic tank naturally, then adding organic materials to your septic system is a great place to start. By doing so, you can enhance the microorganisms that are already present in your system, and boost the growth of beneficial microbes that help break down waste substances.

One of the best things you can do for your septic tank is to encourage the presence of good bacteria in your septic system. These healthy septic bacteria help break down solid waste and keep your tank functioning properly. One way to do this is by adding septic tank enzymes or septic bioenzymes that contain a high concentration of beneficial microbes.

Another effective technique for increasing bacteria in septic tank is through the use of baking soda. You can use a baking soda septic tank treatment to boost the bacterial population in your system, thereby increasing solid disposal and waste flushing. Sodium bicarbonate or baking soda septic solution can work wonders for your septic system by effectively breaking down waste substances.

In addition to using specific septic tank products, you can introduce bacteria to your septic tank by adding organic materials such as dry baking yeast or rotten tomatoes. These items contain natural microbes that can supplement the bacterial population in your tank.

Along with adding organic materials to your septic system, it is also important to use natural cleaning products and eco-friendly detergents. These products are less harsh than traditional cleaning products, and won't damage the beneficial bacterial growth in your septic tank.

By adding organic materials to your septic system and using natural septic care techniques, you can promote the growth of advantageous microbe populations in your tank. This can result in a healthier, more efficient, and longer-lasting septic system.

Limit Harmful Chemicals in Your Home

When it comes to maintaining a healthy septic system, reducing your use of harmful chemicals is essential. These chemicals can harm the good bacteria in your septic tank, leading to imbalances in the microbial population. By limiting your use of these products, you can enhance the growth of beneficial microbes, ensuring your septic system works efficiently.

To boost microbes in your septic tank, avoid using chemicals like bleach, disinfectants, and chemical drain cleaners. These products kill beneficial bacteria in your tank, reducing its ability to break down solid waste. Instead, use natural cleaning products like organic cleaners or eco-friendly detergents. Additionally, avoid pouring chemicals like antifreeze, gasoline, and motor oil down your drains as they can inhibit bacterial growth in your septic tank.

Another way to increase bacteria in septic tank naturally is to add septic bioenzymes. Enzymes help break down solid waste and increase digestion, ensuring your septic tank is clean and healthy. You can purchase septic tank enzymes or baking soda septic tank treatments to boost your septic system's microbial population.

To increase solid disposal and encourage waste flushing, you can also flush more solid waste down your toilet. However, be careful not to flush harmful items like paper towels, feminine hygiene products, or cotton swabs that can clog your plumbing.

Supplementing beneficial bacterial population in your septic tank is also crucial. You can introduce good bacteria by adding dry baking yeast, rotten tomatoes, or even used beer or wine. These organic additions help stimulate microbial activity, ensuring your septic system functions correctly.

In conclusion, limiting the use of harmful chemicals and adding organic supplements like baking soda or beneficial bacteria to your septic system can enhance microbial activity. By following these simple steps, you can ensure your septic tank is healthy and free from blockages, saving you time and money.

Avoid Overloading Your Septic System

One of the most important aspects of maintaining a healthy organic septic system is to avoid overloading it. By taking care of what you flush down the drain or toilet, you can help enhance the growth of beneficial microbes that break down solid waste effectively.

To boost waste flushing, consider reducing water usage and opting for eco-friendly cleaners and detergents. Using natural cleaning products will help eliminate harmful chemicals that can kill off septic tank bacteria, while reducing water consumption will ensure that the septic system isn't overwhelmed with too much water.

To increase the solid disposal, a few simple habit changes can also make a difference. For example, flushing only toilet paper and human waste instead of tissues or flushable wipes can help prevent clogs and backups. Additionally, regular pumping of the septic tank will optimize its function and create a suitable environment for a healthy bacterial population.

Another way to supplement the bacteria in the tank is to use septic system enzymes or baking soda septic tank solution. These products boost microbes and septic bioenzymes that actively break down waste. For example, sodium bicarbonate septic care can act as a natural septic care solution to enhance microorganisms and promote healthy septic bacteria growth.

Dry baking yeast or rotten tomatoes can also be added to the septic tank naturally to activate the bacterial population and improve decomposition. However, be sure to consult a professional before using these methods to ensure they are safe and effective for your septic system.

Overall, taking good care of your septic system means being mindful of the types of substances you flush down the drain or toilet. By implementing small changes in your habits and using natural septic care solutions, you can help create an environment that is conducive to the growth of beneficial bacterial population, which will ultimately lead to a healthy septic system and minimal maintenance requirements.

Maintain Drainfield Health

The drainfield is an important part of your septic system, and it's crucial to keep it healthy and functioning properly. Here are some tips to help enhance microorganisms and boost microbes in your septic tank naturally:

By following these natural septic care tips and introducing beneficial microbes to your septic system, you can effectively increase bacteria in septic tank, enhance microbial activity, and maintain a healthy and efficient septic system.

Monitor Your Septic System Regularly

As we have discussed earlier, it's crucial to increase bacteria in septic tank to maintain an organic septic system. Moreover, regular inspection and maintenance of your septic system can save you from potential system failures and costly repairs. Therefore, in this section, let's discuss some effective ways to monitor your septic system regularly.

Inspect and Pump Frequently: Over time, solid waste accumulates in the septic system, and if left unchecked, it can cause clogs and backups. Regular pumping of the septic tank ensures that the solid waste is removed, and the ratio of good bacteria in your septic tank increases. As a rule of thumb, septic tanks should be pumped every three to five years, depending on the size of your tank and the number of people residing in the house.

Flush Carefully: To enhance microorganisms' growth in your septic tank, it's essential to avoid flushing harmful substances like oil, grease, chemicals, or flushable wipes down your toilet or sink. They can disrupt the good bacteria and cause imbalances in your septic tank's natural ecosystem. Instead, flush more solid waste by using a low-flow toilet, taking shorter showers, and using a high-efficiency washing machine.

Use Beneficial Bacterial Additives: Beneficial microbes that digest solid waste play a vital role in maintaining a healthy septic system. They can break down organic matter and reduce the system's overall workload. Bacterial additives such as septic tank enzymes, septic bioenzymes, or baking soda septic tank treatment can help boost microbes' growth and improve your septic system's performance. You can also add dry baking yeast or crushed rotten tomatoes to your septic tank to stimulate the beneficial bacterial population.

Use Natural Cleaning Products: To maintain a balance of good bacteria in your septic tank, it's essential to avoid harsh chemicals that can kill the useful microbial population. Eco-friendly detergents and organic cleaners are natural cleaning products that help keep the septic system healthy and functional. They break down easily and do not harm the septic ecosystem, unlike traditional cleaning products.

In conclusion, regular monitoring is essential for maintaining a natural septic care routine. Inspecting and pumping the septic tank frequently, flushing carefully, using beneficial bacterial additives, and natural cleaning products can help enhance microbes, boost the bacterial population, and keep your septic system healthy.

Professional Maintenance and Inspections

In addition to the DIY methods discussed, regular professional maintenance and inspections can significantly enhance the performance and longevity of your septic tank. It's important to invest in a qualified technician who can provide the following services:

By relying on professional maintenance and inspections, you can ensure that your septic tank stays healthy, efficient and eco-friendly, and avoid the costly and unpleasant consequences of neglect or malfunction. Don't hesitate to contact a trusted septic system expert today to schedule an appointment and boost your microbes' power.

House with water around it through a Septic Tank problem

notice sewage backing up into your home or see signs of flooding around your drain field, it's time to call a professional

When to Call a Professional

While it's possible to enhance microorganisms and boost microbes in your septic tank naturally, there may be instances when calling a professional is necessary. Here are some situations where you may want to consider seeking the help of an expert:

In these situations, a professional can use specialized tools and equipment to diagnose and fix any issues with your organic septic system. However, you can still do your part in maintaining healthy septic bacteria and septic system enzymes by using natural cleaning products, avoiding harsh chemicals, and supplementing bacteria with dry baking yeast or spoiled tomatoes. Remember, a little maintenance can go a long way in keeping your septic system running smoothly.


In conclusion, maintaining a healthy and organic septic system is key to preventing costly repairs and ensuring proper waste disposal. Increasing the population of beneficial bacteria in your septic tank is crucial to breaking down solid waste and enhancing the overall efficiency of your system. By using natural septic care methods, such as adding septic tank enzymes or a baking soda septic solution, you can boost the microbes in your tank and improve the waste flushing process.

Introducing dry baking yeast or even rotten tomatoes into your septic tank offers an easy and inexpensive way to supplement the bacterial population. Additionally, natural cleaning products such as organic cleaners and eco-friendly detergents help support healthy septic bacteria by avoiding harsh chemicals that can harm your system.

Overall, regularly taking steps to enhance and boost the bacterial population in your septic tank can lead to improved performance, increased solid disposal, and fewer problems in the long run. So, make sure to consider natural septic care methods when it comes to maintaining your system's advantageous microbe population.